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Still working the hard way? If you're editing, writing, or typesetting in Microsoft Word, our program add-ins will save you time and money and improve the editorial and typographical quality of every project. If you're working on long documents (such as books), you'll find some of our programs indispensable. Click the blue links below to find out more.
Editor's ToolKit Plus, a collection of powerful tools for working in Word, is used by thousands of editors all over the world. The program has been under constant development for twenty-five years, getting better with each version. But this latest release takes it over the top, with tons of new features and upgrades. This comprehensive editing suite gives you the tools to take a publication from raw manuscript to finished files ready for typesetting, in a fraction of the time you'd spend doing all of that work by hand.
Would you like a better way to plan and write your literary projects? WriteBoard shows you the big picture while letting you manipulate the details any way you like. Do your work in a specially formatted table, like a giant whiteboard on which you place sticky notes while constructing your literary masterpiece. See your whole novel (or other work) laid out in front of you. Need to move a scene in chapter 1 over to chapter 4? A couple of keystrokes will do it. You can move, insert, or delete cells, rows, and columns until everything is arranged exactly the way you want it, then write and export your work for editing or publication. Try it today!
Editor's ToolKit
(without the powerful "Plus" features) provides tools for detailed line
editing in Microsoft Word, including the ability to show and stet
revisions at the touch of a key. Quickly transpose words, transpose
change case, insert dashes and bullets, mark spec levels, change text to
title case, and much more.
EditTools (distinctly different from Editor's ToolKit Plus) provides powerful tools for professional editors who work on seriously long, complex documents
FileCleaner cleans up common
typographical problems in electronic manuscripts, including multiple spaces,
multiple returns, spaces around dashes, improperly typed ellipses, ells used as
ones, directly applied font formatting (while retaining character formatting
such as italic), and much more. Many of our customers say they can't live without this program.
MegaReplacer replaces multiple text
strings (characters, words, or phrases), text formatting, or styles in multiple
documents. The perfect tool for achieving complete consistency in a manuscript
or for cleaning up all kinds of errors in one fell swoop. Don't waste your time
making the same old editorial changes over and over again. Let MegaReplacer do
it for you!
ListFixer converts automatic numbers
and bullets into fixed numbers and bullets—or vice versa—for lists
in the active document, all open documents, or all documents in a folder. It
also applies fixed numbers and bullets to selected paragraphs, so you can number
lists with real numbers in a
flash. If you're tearing your hair out over automatic lists, you need
strips embedded,
automatically-numbered notes as numbered text to the end of a document
retaining italics and other formatting), or converts text notes into
automatically-numbered ones. It can also strip notes to the ends of
sections (as well as the ends of documents), and it provides a variety
of other tools to make working with notes a snap.
NoteLinker automatically hyperlinks note references and note text in Microsoft Word.
DEXembed embeds entries from indexes
created in SKY Index, CINDEX, or MACREX.
IndexDeconstructor converts a
back-of-the-book index into a tab-delimited file that can be imported into a
standalone indexing program such as SKY Index, CINDEX, or MACREX.
DEXter makes indexing in Word a snap.
If you're tired of messing with XE codes and bookmarks, you need
DEXter—the first truly professional indexing program for Microsoft Word
IndexLinker creates hyperlinks from index page numbers
back to the text to which they refer. If you're creating ebooks or PDFs with indexes, you need IndexLinker!
ScrIndex finds and indexes scripture
citations in a Microsoft Word document.
BookMaker automates typesetting and page layout in Microsoft Word.
InDesignConverter converts edited Word
documents into InDesign tag files that can be imported into InDesign while
retaining style names and character formatting such as italic and bold. Fixes
bad hyphenation and other typographical problems. Converts Word index entries
into InDesign index entries, allowing editors to index in Word before typesetting takes place.
InDesignConverter could cut your typesetting time and expenses in half.
QuarkConverter converts edited Word
documents into XPressTag files that can be imported into QuarkXPress while
retaining style names and character formatting such as italic and bold. Fixes
bad hyphenation and other typographical problems. Provides cross-platform
character conversion from PC to Mac or Mac to PC. Converts Word index entries
into QuarkXPress index entries, allowing editors to index in Word.
QuarkConverter may cut your typesetting time and expenses in half.
LyXConverter converts Word Microsoft documents into LyX documents.
RazzmaTag finds Microsoft Word
formatting and tags it with user-defined codes—or vice versa—in an
open document, all open documents, or all documents in a folder. It's the
perfect tool for tagging Word files for typesetting programs such as
QuarkXPress, Ventura, or TeX—or for turning tagged files into formatted
Word documents.
Puller copies delimited items (such as
parenthetical source citations or typesetting codes) from the active document,
all open documents, or all documents in a folder. It pastes the items into a
new document, sorts them alphabetically, and deletes duplicates, leaving you
with a comprehensive list of the delimited items in your project. You can use
the list to compile a bibliography, create a typesetting spec sheet, and so on,
depending on the delimited items you specified.
WordCounter counts the number of words,
pages, and characters in the active document, all open documents, or all
documents in a folder. If you bill by the page or just need to get a handle on
the size of your projects, you'll find this macro indispensable.
MultiMacro automates repetitive tasks
by running a list of macros or Word commands on all open documents or all
documents in a folder. The ultimate in batch processing with Microsoft Word.
We appreciate the support of many freelance
editors and a wide variety of publishers and other organizations all over the world, including:
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library |
Georg Thieme Publishers |
Pretext |
What People Are Saying (Unsolicited Comments)
"I am well acquainted with Mr. Lyon's Editorium Products. I have purchased most of them over the years, and I cannot imagine using Word without these add-ins. If you use Word, you owe it to yourself to check out Editorium.com. The software is very reasonably priced, and well worth every penny. —Father Wayne Paul, Mdiv."
"We've used your invaluable macros on hundreds of books. If I didn't bless you every time I cleaned a file, or merged files, or stripped notes, I should have. Thank you, thank you, for all you're doing for editors and authors! —Ann R., St. Paul
"Thank you for this wonderful product that you've created. It has made my work life a much, much happier place. —Vanessa D."
"I have used FileCleaner, NoteStripper, ListFixer, and MegaReplacer for years and LOVE them. I couldn't do my editing work without them. Thank you!" —Terese P., Canaan, New York.
"Your book is a true gold mine and, as a writer, I know what it means." —Dominique M.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your tools are simply INDISPENSABLE!" —Jennifer B.
"I used NoteStripper a number of times. . . . Good GOLLY it was a lifesaver! So was ListFixer!" —Laura P., Raleigh, North Carolina
"I'm delighted by the way you're creating tools and instructions to make publishing more efficient." —Karen C., Great Barrington, Massachusets.
"Useful? Far, far more than that. Essential. Sanity-maintaining. Fundamental. Something along those lines. Thanks again!" —Peter L., Arlington, Virginia.
"I'm crazy about Editor's Toolkit Plus! Greatest thing since Velveeta. I recommend it every chance I get." —Craig T., Annapolis, Maryland.
"I was prepared to go to great lengths to get Editor's ToolKit Plus going for this next project, and I am delighted that I will have it on my primary computer! (By the way, I am not always this enthusiastic about so-called editorial timesavers—one press that I work for has a complex set of custom macros put together by an outside vendor that I refuse to use—I'll still work for them, but only on pencil edits. Your stuff is elegant: it does what it says it will do, well.)" —Deborah R.
"Thank you for MultiMacro! What a great product! Just now wrote some macros and ran them successfully against a folder's worth of manuscripts. I could cry I'm so grateful. You've made my day." —Melissa B., Chester, New York
"These are the very best add-ons I have ever bought—I use them all the time, and love them! Thank you so much!" —Laura L., Mesa, Arizona
"I have been using FileCleaner for the past few months, and it is a fabulous, indispensable program. I really can't imagine working without it." —Elizabeth C., North York, Ontario
"I'm amazed at what you have put together and make available to others! What a wonderful resource!" —Terry Y., Belleville, Illinois
"I certainly like your Editor's Toolkit Plus. It is great stuff and fully worth the price." —Richard O., Geneva, Switzerland
"I just used NoteStripper for real for the first time and it worked like a charm. . . . NoteStripper is the answer to my prayers. Thank you!" —Barbara S., Ithaca, New York
"I hope you're swamped with incoming money for FileCleaner—I have been using it non-stop since I got it!" —Wayne T., Slovenia
"People ask how I can underbid my competition by so much. I just smile and tell them I have some special programs to help me." —Patricia P., Salt Lake City, Utah
"Thanks for NoteStripper; what an amazing program. . . . I took most of yesterday to do 'The Wars of The Jews' by Flavius Josephus. It had text-only footnotes at the end of each chapter. . . . After Notestripper made the footnotes . . . Word obligingly renumbered them all, etc. I ended up with hundreds of footnotes in a very large book—all perfect." —Doug C., Edina, Minnesota
"With a small amount of effort in creating the macros, I was able to complete this sophisticated project [with MultiMacro] on almost 100 files in a small amount of time. Thanks again!" —Joe Z., Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey
"After reading a post about your programs on the Editorial Freelancer Association's list serv, I downloaded an evaluation copy of Editor's Toolkit Plus, and ran a few tests with it on some files I'm getting ready to edit. And all I have to say is WOW! I think I'm in love! (With the program, that is =) What a timesaver; this is awesome! You can bet I'll register my copy when my 45 days are up. Thanks for developing a program that allows editors to concentrate on our great love—THE WORDS—without getting all hung up on all that other junk!" —René S., Golden, Colorado
Doug Clapp, who makes wonderful books for Microsoft Reader at PocketPCpress, posted the following unsolicited testimonial on his Web site. We blush to repeat it:
We now interrupt this boilerplate stuff to praise Jack Lyon [proprietor of the Editorium].
If Jack didn't exist, many of the books on this site wouldn't exist. Oh, they might exist in time, but their creation would have been much much harder. Maybe even "too hard"; I'm not sure. It's like this. Turning text into a Microsoft Reader eBook usually involves lots of formatting, editing, munging and messing with text and punctuation. It's often a sweaty three-way bout between me, the text and Microsoft Word.
I usually win the match (not always, but usually) thanks in large part to tools that Jack Lyon makes. Jack is quite simply the Microsoft Word Jedi Master. Obi-Jack.
Jack creates and sells (very reasonably!) collections of macros that automate tasks in Word that would be hard to do "by hand"—and in some cases, just flat out wouldn't be possible to do. Amazing things. Incredibly useful. Priced right. And really really fast.
His tools can be found on his quite civilized website: editorium.com. If you use Word to do your job, like me, and have wished that Word "could only do this or only do that" . . . check it out. And you can also sign up for a free weekly newsletter of tips and tricks for Microsoft Word. Betchallearnalot. Great stuff.
Thanks, Jack!
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