Write your index in your favorite standalone indexing program. Then automatically embed the entries into a document in Microsoft Word or DocBook XML.
DEXembed is a Microsoft Word add-in created specifically to meet the needs of indexers who use standalone indexing programs (such as SKY Index, CINDEX, MACREX, or Picardy), and who need to embed index tags in Microsoft Word documents or DocBook XML. Originally part of its parent program, DEXter, it has been split off and further developed to take into account the variety of workflow situations that arise in the real world of embedded indexing as required by different publishers. DEXembed accounts for these situations with several powerful features:
- Index using your favorite standalone program. You can write your index using SKY Index, CINDEX, MACREX, or Picardy.
- Choose your locator. Use locators that correspond to page numbers, paragraph numbers, or precise word placements—whichever meets your needs.
- Automatically embed the entries. Have DEXembed embed the entries from your index into a Word or DocBook document, based on the locators in your indexing program.
- Work from printed pages or on-screen. Index from printed pages or view pages electronically, whichever is more comfortable for you.
- Add range codes automatically. Sure, DEXembed can use bookmarks to mark ranges of text, but most publishers want nothing to do with them. So, instead of bookmarks, use beginning and ending range codes, which make it possible to import the embedded entries into QuarkXPress or InDesign and have proper page ranges in the final generated index. DEXembed automates the entire coding process.
- Automatically clean up the index for final editing. At the end of the indexing process, the indexer often receives a Quark- or Frame-generated index (as a Microsoft Word file) with final pagination, and must then carry out a final edit. If the index includes range codes, DEXembed will properly combine the range page locators, delete the codes, and join any orphaned subentries with their main entries.
- Convert an existing index into a tab-delimited file that you can import into your indexing software. When you receive the index (as a Word file) back from the publisher for editing, updating, or revising, DEXembed can properly style the index and convert it to a standalone table (.dat file) that can then be brought back into SKY Index, CINDEX, MACREX, or Picardy for final editing.
- Remove old index tags automatically. Strip out all previously embedded index tags in a single automated action—often used when a final edit dictates re-embedding all the individual chapter files (if they are available) or removing old tags from a previous version of the book.
You can download the entire DEXembed User Guide by clicking here.
DEXembed provides many other features that make indexing more efficient, including:
- Number the paragraphs in a document for use as locator references.
- Select a range of text, and DEXembed captures the locators in memory, making it possible to paste (rather than type) the locators into your standalone indexing sofware.
- Copy a locator from your standalone program, and DEXembed will take you to the corresponding text in a Word document.
- Add a Word comment containing the locator for any selected text.
- Set a special bookmark at the beginning of a topic. Then, when you put your cursor at the end of the text that discusses that topic, automatically select from your current location back to the bookmark.
- Index multiple documents at once.
DEXembed is a free upgrade for those who purchased the first version of DEXter. DEXter itself is now designed exclusively for indexing directly in Microsoft Word and is analogous to IXgen for FrameMaker.
Try DEXembed free for 45 days!
Download DEXembed for Microsoft Word 97, 2000, 2002 (XP), 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019, or 365.
Download DEXembed for Microsoft Word 98, X, or 2004. (Word 2001 won't work with DEXembed.)
Sorry, but Word 2008 doesn't support macros or add-in programs. If you have a Macintosh and really need the most recent version of Word, you might consider running Windows and Word 2007 under Parallels Desktop.
After downloading the program file, open it and drag the individual files it contains out to your computer desktop. Then open and read the Instructions file.
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