All of this marking has to be done by somebody at some point and in some way. Too much work, you say? That’s why I’ve included the AutoStyler feature with Editor’s ToolKit. AutoStyler makes it possible to select, say, a block quotation and instantly style it as it should be, with the first, middle, and last paragraphs all styled differently. The AutoStyler functions are available under Word’s Format menu, on the Editor’s ToolKit 3 toolbar, and on the keyboard by pressing Ctrl + Shift and B (for block), L (for list), or P (for poem). They include:
1. The Block AutoStyler, for block quotations.
2. The List AutoStyler, for lists.
3. The Poem AutoStyler, for poetry.
To use an AutoStyler function:
1. Select the text you want to style. For example, if you want to style a block quotation, you’d select all of the paragraphs that make it up.
2. Click the applicable AutoStyler menu item, button, or key combination. For example, if you want to style a block quotation, you’d click the Block (B) button.
The text will be styled as it should be.
When you’re using the Poem AutoStyler, your poem can have carriage returns separating the stanzas. The Poem AutoStyler will take the carriage returns (stanza breaks) into account, style the preceding lines with the style Poem End Stanza, and delete the carriage returns.
If you’re a typesetter who has been marking such styles manually, AutoStyler will make you smile.
For the AutoStyler functions to run, the following styles (used in the TYPESPEC template) must exist in the active template. If they don’t, AutoStyler will create them:
Block (designates a single-paragraph block quotation)
Block First (designates the first paragraph of a multiple-paragraph block quotation)
Block Middle (designates any middle paragraph of a multiple-paragraph block quotation)
Block Last (designates the last paragraph of a multiple-paragraph block quotation)
List (designates a single-paragraph list, if there is such a thing)
List First (designates the first item in a multiple-paragraph list)
List Middle (designates any middle item in a multiple-paragraph list)
List Last (designates the last item in a multiple-paragraph list)
Poem (designates a single-line poem, if there is such a thing)
Poem First NI (designates the first line of a poem, not indented)
Poem Middle (designates a middle line of a stanza)
Poem Middle NI (designates a middle line of a stanza, not indented)
Poem Start NI (designates a line that begins a stanza, not indented)
Poem End (designates a line that ends a stanza)
Poem End NI (designates a line that ends a stanza, not indented)
Poem Last (designates the last line of a poem)
Poem Last NI (designates the last line of a poem, not indented)