Problem: MultiMacro has been running for hours on just a few short documents.
Solution: Press the Escape key to stop the program. Look at the cursor position in the open document to see if you can figure out what may be causing the problem. If you can, fix the problem before running MultiMacro again. Also, check the documents after the problem document to see if they have the same problem. You’ll also need to check your macros carefully to make sure they’re not sending Microsoft Word into a loop.
Problem: You get weird error messages while running MultiMacro.
Solution: See the solution to the problem above.
Problem: When you try to load MultiMacro as a global template or add-in, you get the Convert File dialog, asking you to select a kind of text for conversion.
Solution: You’re trying to load the wrong version of MultiMacro for your version of Microsoft Word. To get the correct version, please download it from the Editorium at
Problem: When you try to load MultiMacro as a global template or add-in, the status bar says, “Translating macros” and shows Word’s progress as it translates the macros in MultiMacro. When it’s finished, the program’s toolbars are all messed up.
Solution: You’re trying to load the wrong version of MultiMacro for your version of Microsoft Word. To get the correct version, please download it from the Editorium at
Problem: Microsoft Word crashes at some point when you’re running macros on all open documents or all documents in a folder.
Solution: Some of your documents may be corrupt. You can identify a document that caused the crash by reading its name in the bar at the top of the Word window when the program crashes. If possible, open the document, copy all of its text but the last carriage return, and paste the text into a new document.