WordSetter comes with four toolbars named WordSetter Document Formatting, WordSetter Local Formatting, WordSetter Style Formatting, and WordSetter Special Characters.
• The WordSetter Document Formatting toolbar activates features that are more or less on a document level, such as style gallery, page setup, hyphenation, and so on.
• The WordSetter Local Formatting toolbar activates features that are more or less on a text level, such as font and paragraph formatting.
• The WordSetter Style Formatting toolbar activates features that make it easy to apply styles.
• The WordSetter Special Characters toolbar inserts such special characters as em spaces, optional hyphens, and so on.
Most of the features on these toolbars are standard Microsoft Word features that are commonly used in typesetting. Usually, however, they’re difficult to find because they’re scattered around under various menus and other features. I’ve tried to bring them out onto the toolbars where they’ll be easy to use.
You can turn these toolbars on or off as you would any other toolbars in Word:
1. Under the View menu, choose Toolbars.
2. Check or uncheck the boxes next to the names of the toolbars.
3. Click OK.
To see what each button does, hold your mouse cursor over the button for a few seconds. The name of the feature will appear in a Tool Tip box.
Viewing Multiple Pages
One of the toolbar buttons deserves special mention—the Multiple Pages button, which lets you see several pages at the same time: Although this feature is built in to Microsoft Word, it’s usually available only in Print Preview. I’ve brought it out so it can be used in Page Layout view. If you put a blank page (numbered 0) at the beginning of your document, as I’ve done with this one, you can use this feature to look at (and work on) pages two up (side by side), which is really handy when you want to see the full page-spread for a book or other large project (odd-numbered pages belong on the right).