Wildcard Carriage Returns

I've occasionally mentioned this in passing, but based on recent questions from readers, it seems worth making a fuss about: Yes, you *can* use a carriage return in a wildcard search.

People who use Microsoft Word often get stymied by this. They try doing a wildcard search with a string like this one:


What do they get? An error message: "^p is not a valid special character for the Find What box or is not supported when the Use Wildcards check box is selected."

Then they give up: "Dang! Guess I can't look for carriage returns in a wildcard search." In the immortal words of Winston Churchill, "Never, never, never give up." There's almost always a solution if you'll just hang in there and look for it. In this case, the solution is to use the ASCII character code for a carriage return. That code is:


So our theoretical wildcard search would look like this:


And that will work--unless you're using a Macintosh. On a Mac, Word simply won't find anything or (as just happened to me when I was testing this) your computer will lock up. But, surprisingly, there is a solution, which took a considerable amount of messing around to figure out. Use the ^013 but "escape" it with a backslash and treat it as a range with square brackets. In other words, use this:


If you're a Mac user, you know what a breakthrough that is.

Finally, a caution: If you're *replacing* with carriage returns, don't use the ASCII code. Instead, use the good old paragraph code, ^p. Why? Because ^013 and ^p are not the same thing. ^p is a Word carriage return, and as such it holds formatting information that ^013 doesn't. If you replace with ^013, that formatting may be lost.

Want to know more about wildcard searching? See David Varner's comment and my response in today's Readers Write column.



David Varner wrote:

"I wanted to bring up your mention of wildcard searching as a skill. You said it 'may be the most important tool you can acquire.' Okay, I've read all your articles and tried the different tips. Heck, I've printed out all the articles. But it's not the same as having one dedicated wildcard text source. And so the question is, any chance you can point me to (or create/compile) a clear and straightforward, whole enchilada wildcard search and replace manual? Or maybe I could just cut and paste all your wildcard Editorium Updates together!"

I responded to David that I'd already done this, in a document named "Advanced Find and Replace in Microsoft Word." I sent the document to him, and I'm making it available as a free download for anyone else who wants it. This document is worth your time, believe me. You can start the download by clicking here:


I'd like to thank Bob Janes for formatting and editing the document and especially for compiling the reference section at the end.


After reading my philosophical ramblings on the value of technical literacy in last week's newsletter, Dan A. Wilson sent this terrific comment. Thanks, Dan!

"In business talks and seminars aimed at corporate climbers and white-collar execs in the past several years, I've begun including this phrase at opportune times:

"'Time was, and not too long ago, that the value of an individual to an organization increased geometrically when he or she became computer-literate. Today, literacy at the computer no longer pulls much weight: you have to be computer-sophisticated today, and that means simply that you must have come to regard the computer as far and away your most valuable tool, your ultimate enabler, your brain's second-in command. A brain with a pencil in its hand cannot compete--indeed cannot even credibly challenge--a brain with a computer and computer-sophistication at its disposal. Regarding the machine as an enemy, an obstacle, an unnecessary complication is lethal, and the individual who has that view of the computer is at least dying, if not already dead, in the world of business affairs, but probably doesn't yet know it.'"


In the February 26 newsletter, I asked readers to send in their hyphenation exception dictionaries to share with the rest of the world. Rebecca Evans (evansreb@earthlink.net) actually did! Thanks, Rebecca! The dictionary is available for download here:


Here are Rebecca's comments on the dictionary:

"This is the hyphenation exception dictionary I currently use with Ventura. Ventura lets me specify how many letters must appear before a hyphen at the beginning of a word and how many after at the end so some of the words show hyphenation points at places I would not actually allow.

"In Ventura, words in the exception dictionary shown without hyphenation points are words that Ventura is told not to hyphenate at all. I use this for words that hyphenate differently depending on usage, such as pro-ject and proj-ect. I also place unhyphenated words in here to prevent unfortunate breaks, such as anal-ist.

"The words in this exception list also don't include every possible hyphenation point because I use this list to force preferred hyphenation, such as dem-onstrate instead of demon-strate.

"Microsoft Word and Ventura mis-hyphenate differently, I would imagine, so many of these words may hyphenate properly in Word. In fact, I've been using this list for so long now (so many versions of Ventura) that many of these may actually hyphenate properly in Ventura."


Hilary Powers sent in a terrific macro for working with serial commas. Thanks, Hilary! Here are her comments, followed by the macro:

"Remember I asked awhile back about automating the placement of serial commas? This doesn't do the whole job, but it takes a lot of the curse off of the problem of dealing with an AP author who's writing for a Chicago publisher.

"It goes to the next instance of the word 'and,' backs up a space, and puts in a comma--ignoring 'And' and 'andiron' and the like. (I may do a partner for 'or' one day, but that doesn't come up nearly as often.)

"I have it assigned to the hot key Alt-/ and to a voice macro pronounced 'seer-comm.' So when I'm reading along and I see a spot that needs a serial comma coming up, I just say or key the command and the comma appears where it belongs, without the need to mouse to the exact spot. And if there was another 'and' in the way that I missed seeing, well, that's what Ctrl-Z is for."

'Serial Macro
'Macro written 02/27/03 by Hilary Powers
With Selection.Find
.text = " and"
.MatchCase = True
.MatchWholeWord = True
End With
Selection.MoveLeft Unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=1
Selection.TypeText text:=","

If you don't know how to use macros like that one, you can learn how here.



Steve Hudson is making his consulting and training services and Microsoft Word spellbooks and macro packages available at his new Web site, here:


Check it out! A great way to improve your technical literacy.


John Henry was hammering on the right side,
The big steam drill on the left,
Before that steam drill could beat him down,
He hammered his fool self to death.

American folk song "John Henry" pits man against machine in drilling a tunnel for the railroad. John Henry wins the contest, but the effort costs him his life.

You probably won't see that song on Billboard's Top 40 list, but its theme is still with us, as shown in the recent rematch between chess master Gary Kasparov and IBM's Deep Junior chess program. The Associated Press article for February 9 described the final moments:

"Kasparov played himself into a superior position but offered a draw on the 23rd move, surprising chess experts at the New York Athletic Club. Deep Junior turned down the offer but presented its own draw five moves later, and Kasparov readily accepted to boos from the crowd.

"Kasparov said he played better than Deep Junior in the deciding game and would have pressed for a win in a similar position against a human opponent. But, he said, he feared even a tiny mistake would have been severely punished by the computer."

Do you view technology as an opponent? For many editors, the answer is yes. Editors, indexers, and other publishing professionals seem extremely conservative about technology--perhaps with good reason. Their job is to ensure accuracy, clarity, and even beauty--and that requires a human mind. Editors are right to resist anything that gets in the way of those goals. And managers who believe that a spell check is as good as an edit or that a machine-generated concordance can take the place of an index need to be educated about the realities of the marketplace--realities that will surely come back to bite them if ignored.

It is also true, however, that editors who ignore the need to use technology do so at their peril. The field of publishing is changing rapidly, and editors have got to keep up. If they don't, they'll be replaced--not by machines but by other editors who know how to use machines to their advantage.

I'm tempted here to give my lecture about how the lowly plow made civilization possible, with a recapitulation of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations and the overwhelming role of technology in human progress. But I won't. Instead, I will ask you: What have you learned this week about using your computer to help you do your job more efficiently? If your answer is "Nothing," may I encourage you to check out our newsletter archive, where you'll find a wealth of information about editing in Microsoft Word.

I especially encourage you to read the articles on wildcard searching and replacing, which may be the most important tool you can acquire. If that's not enough, pay a visit to the Word MVP site, where you'll find tips and techniques aplenty.

Finally, ask yourself: "What one thing could I do with my computer that would dramatically increase my effectiveness?" Then find out how to do it.

Michael Dertouzos, late director of MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science, had a slogan that I like: "Doing more by doing less." And Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari, said, "I believe that . . . a person today who is computer literate is twenty times more valuable than someone who is not because they're facilitated. It's like they have three robots working for them."

The truth is, you don't have to beat the machine; all you have to do is put it to work.

To learn more about John Henry:


To learn more about the Kasparov matches:



To read Wealth of Nations:


To learn about the history of civilization:


For a lighter look at that history:


For a Seybold seminar on the future of publishing:




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Editorium Update (ISSN 1534-1283) is published by:

The EDITORIUM Microsoft Word Add-Ins for Publishing Professionals http://www.editorium.com

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Hyphenation Exception Dictionary

A few weeks ago, I mentioned that I'd been working on a long, complex book that had to be typeset in Microsoft Word. I learned a lot from the experience, and I'll be passing on some of that hard-won knowledge in future issues. As I worked on the book, one problem quickly became apparent: Microsoft Word has no hyphenation exception dictionary. A hyphenation exception dictionary is a list of words that specifies how certain words should (or should not) be broken at the end of a line. For example, a really tiny hyphenation exception dictionary might include the following entries as words that shouldn't be broken at all:




It might also include the following words, with optional hyphens indicating breaking points:

con-vert-ible (not con-ver-ti-ble)

tan-gible (not tang-i-ble)

tri-angle (not trian-gle)

Microsoft Word will break all of those words badly.

Dedicated typesetting programs such as QuarkXPress will automatically check a hyphenation exception dictionary (if you've provided one) and break words accordingly. Microsoft Word won't, but there is a way around the problem. First, compile your hyphenation exception list. Then record a macro that finds each word on your list and replaces it with the same word including optional hyphens and zero-width nonbreaking spaces as needed. You can learn more about zero-width nonbreaking spaces here:


And you can learn more about optional hyphens here:


Using the words above, our list might look like this (I'm using a hyphen [-] to represent optional hyphens and a tilde [~] to represent a zero-width nonbreaking space):







So you'd find "people" and replace it with "peo~ple," "triangle" and replace it with "tri-angle," and so on. Then, when Word does its automatic hyphenation, the words will break in the way you've specified rather than in the (incorrect) way Microsoft Word uses by default (using, in my case, American English rules). It's not that Word does a bad job of hyphenation, mind you. It's actually pretty good. But even the best hyphenation algorithms need a little help.

A more elegant (and probably more reliable) way of preventing breaks is to mark the words in question so that they are not "proofed"--that is, so that they won't be checked for spelling, grammar, or (most important) hyphenation. To do that, select a word, click Tools > Language > Set Language, and put a check in the checkbox labeled "Do not check spelling or grammar." This has the advantage of not introducing an invisible character into the word, which will keep an unwanted space from showing up later if you use the document to create a Web page, an ebook, or whatever.

A better way than recording all of these words in a macro is to use our RazzmaTag program, which will run your hyphenation exception list on a whole folder full of documents at one time. It will also let you edit and add to your list as needed. I've prepared preliminary versions of such lists that you can download and play with. The one using the zero-width nonbreaking space is here (this list will work with MegaReplacer as well as RazzmaTag):


And the one marking the words so they won't be proofed is here (RazzmaTag only):


But what I'd really like is for you to send me any hyphenation exception lists you already have (maybe check with your typesetter). Then I'll merge them and include the comprehensive list in next week's newsletter! Come on--what do you say? Please email your lists to mailto:editor [at symbol] editorium.com.

You can learn more about RazzmaTag here:


And you can learn more about MegaReplacer here:




After reading the article on finding and replacing weird WordPerfect characters wrote:

I work with Word 98 on a Mac and occasionally tangle with WP documents. A few days ago, a writer sent a WP file to me. I opened it in Word, as Text, and found lots of gibberish--my favorite character being the letter Y with two dots over it: . This character was interspersed between *every* legitimate letter and space. (I would see, basically, this: letter and space.) Copying it and using Find and Replace was fruitless. Word refused to cooperate.

I decided to try opening the file with Word, but not as ASCII Text. Opening it as RTF gave me the same results, as did opening it as a Word Document. But I then tried an option called "Recover Text from Any File," and the document opened with text that was absolutely clean. I mean *really* clean.

The only caveat I can think of is that there was no special formatting in this file. I'm responsible for formatting the document and sending it on to my editor.

Yateendra Joshi (yateen@teri.res.in) wrote:

Thank you for the interesting and useful article on ellipses in the 16 January 2001 issue of Editorium Update.

Most often, ellipses stand for omitted matter, and the dots will represent it even better if they do not sit on the line but are raised a bit, say to the centre of the letter x (lowercase eks). The extent to which the dots should be raised will depend on the font (raising by 2 points works best with 11-point Georgia). The sequence is therefore to type the dots as you explain, then select them, and raise them by Format > Font > Character Spacing > Position > Raised By followed by typing in the appropriate value. It helps to see the text enlarged by 500%.

Thanks to Fran and Yateendra for the great tips!

Break That Word Here!

Last week's newsletter explained how to use a zero-width nonbreaking space to keep a word from breaking at the end of a line when hyphenation is turned on (Tools > Language > Hyphenation > Automatically hyphenate document). Fine as far as it goes. But what can you do to break a word at a place other than one Microsoft Word insists on using? For example, Word will happily break "convertible" as "converti-ble." Ugh. (See your favorite style manual for more information about how to break words properly; I prefer The Chicago Manual of Style.)

The solution is to insert an optional hyphen at any acceptable breaking points. In "convertible," for example, you could insert optional hyphens as follows: con-vert-ible. The optional hyphens will override word's automatic hyphenation and break the word at one of the points you've specified.

To get an optional hyphen, click Insert > Symbol > Special Characters > Optional hyphen. Or, easier yet, press CTRL + - (on a Macintosh press COMMAND + -).

In our shop, proofreaders check galleys for bad breaks, which are then corrected manually by our typesetters, who insert optional hyphens as needed (although usually in QuarkXPress rather than Word). Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to insert optional hyphens automatically? As it turns out, there is--even in Microsoft Word.

Stay tuned; next week I'll tell you all about it.

You can learn more about The Chicago Manual of Style here:


And you can see the FAQ here:




After reading last week's article about how to use a zero-width nonbreaking space to keep a word from breaking, Patsy Price sent a tip about an elegant alternative:

I too have been very frustrated when specific words insisted on breaking in Word 98 (Mac) whether I wanted them to or not. I tried everything I could think of, including inserting a nonbreaking hyphen before the word, but nothing worked. Then somebody on one of the lists I belong to made a suggestion that has worked for me so far: select the word and change the language to No Proofing [Tools > Language > Do not check spelling or grammar]. Even when the file is opened in Word 2000 PC the word doesn't hyphenate.

Patsy made the effort to track down the person who originally made the suggestion, H?l?ne Dion on the McEdit list. So thanks to H?l?ne for the tip and to Patsy for passing it on.

Bill Rubidge (wbr@aya.yale.edu) sent the following tip on how to make a zero-width nonbreaking hyphen in Word 97, along with a brilliant wildcard find-and-replace routine to keep words together at the end of a paragraph.

Interesting zero-width action. In my case I wanted to break long URLs in a narrow text column. Unfortunately, I am still using Word 97, so I had to resort to a conditional hyphen solution, but I set the hyphen size to 1 point and colored it white to hide it.

In any case, my experience on that issue and your description of the one below made me think you could take your "Don't break that word" solution a step further. I never use hyphenation, so I don't have your issue, but I dislike short words ending up all by their lonesome as the final line of a paragraph. My solution is:

Search for:

([A-Za-z0-9,.$?;:'"")!*]{1,8}) ([A-Za-z0-9,.$?;:'"")!*]{1,8})[^013]

Replace with:


This forces the last two words (up to eight characters long) to be on the last line together.

Your hyphenation problem seems similar, but I shudder at the thought of inserting the Unicode characters manually. Would it do the job for you to search for the end of a paragraph and then insert the nonbreaking zero-width space character between EVERY letter of the last word? This way, you could run this macro automatically for the whole document.

By the way, I found I had to do an additional undo search to take out these things where I knew that the item was part of a small column. For example, if the found item was in a table, I would undo the nonbreaking material, as the table columns might be too narrow for this to be appropriate.

Thanks to Bill for the great tips.



Possibly the ultimate treatise on the subject, the fascinating book Hyphenation, by Ronald McIntosh and David Fawthrop, is available free online:


Don't Break That Word!

I've recently been editing a long, scholarly tome that, for reasons I'll discuss in a future newsletter, my co-workers and I decided to typeset in Microsoft Word, following the techniques explained here:


Our intrepid typesetter has been fairly content except for one thing: there seems to be no way to keep a word from breaking at the end of a line. Microsoft Word happily breaks "Je-sus" and "Bud-dha," for example, which we'd like to avoid. We could force a word down with a soft return, but that doesn't seem like a very elegant solution. Clever idea: how about putting an optional hyphen (CTRL + -) at the *beginning* of the word? That works, but it also *displays* a hyphen at the beginning of the word, which certainly won't do. Can the optional hyphen go at the end of the word? No, that doesn't work at all. So where might we find an answer?

Well, Unicode fonts include all kinds of interesting things. Would they, by chance, include a zero-width nonbreaking space? If we had one of those, we could insert it at the spot where we didn't want a break to occur. I went to Alan Wood's spectacular Unicode Resources site and searched for "zero-width nonbreaking space":


There it was, not under general punctuation but as the last entry under Arabic Presentation Forms, of all things:


The Web site told me the decimal number (65279) and hex number (FEFF) of the character, so I fired up Word 2002 (XP) and entered the character by typing the hex number followed by ALT + x. With nonprinting characters showing, I could see the little beauty--it looked like a gray box inside a gray box. When nonprinting characters *weren't* showing, the character was invisible, since it had no width. And sure enough, when I put the character into a word and then pushed that word to the end of the line, the word refused to break. Success!

I sent a sample to Word guru Steve Hudson, who tested the idea in various ways and pronounced it good. Thanks, Steve! So now I share this little marvel with you. If you'd like to see the character in action (and get a sample of the character that you can copy and use in your own documents), you can download the following document to play around with:


After you download, unzip, and open the document, notice the automatically hyphenated "excellent" on the first line. Now add a character somewhere in the middle of the *second* line--enough to make the second "excellent" break. But it won't!

Incidentally, the character works in Word 2000 and later versions as long as you have Unicode fonts installed on your computer. You can learn more here:


Please note that using this character within a word will mess up spell-checking for that word, so you might want to check spelling *before* inserting the character hither and yon. If you need to get rid of the characters, display nonprinting characters; then search for ^u65279 and replace with nothing.



After reading last week's article on finding and replacing weird WordPerfect characters, Jane Lyle (jlyle@indiana.edu), managing editor at Indiana University Press, sent the following macro. Thanks, Jane! The macro does its work by searching for characters formatted in the WP TypographicSymbols font, and it includes some characters that last week's macro overlooked. If you don't know how to use such macros, you can find out here.


' WPTyp Macro

' Macro recorded 10/25/2001 by Jane Lyle


With Selection.Find

.Replacement.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Font.Name = "WP TypographicSymbols"

.Text = ""

.Replacement.Text = ""

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = False

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

End With



With Selection.Find

.Replacement.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Font.Name = "WP TypographicSymbols"

.Text = "A"

.Replacement.Text = """"

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = True

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll



With Selection.Find

.Replacement.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Font.Name = "WP TypographicSymbols"

.Text = "@"

.Replacement.Text = """"

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = True

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll



With Selection.Find

.Replacement.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Font.Name = "WP TypographicSymbols"

.Text = ">"

.Replacement.Text = "'"

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = True

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll



With Selection.Find

.Replacement.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Font.Name = "WP TypographicSymbols"

.Text = "="

.Replacement.Text = "'"

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = True

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll



With Selection.Find

.Replacement.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Font.Name = "WP TypographicSymbols"

.Text = "B"

.Replacement.Text = "^="

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = True

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll



With Selection.Find

.Replacement.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Font.Name = "WP TypographicSymbols"

.Text = "C"

.Replacement.Text = "^+"

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = True

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll



With Selection.Find

.Replacement.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Font.Name = "WP TypographicSymbols"

.Text = "?"

.Replacement.Text = """"

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = True

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll



With Selection.Find

.Replacement.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"

.Font.Name = "WP TypographicSymbols"

.Text = "Y"

.Replacement.Text = ". . ."

.Forward = True

.Wrap = wdFindContinue

.Format = True

.MatchCase = False

.MatchWholeWord = False

.MatchWildcards = False

.MatchSoundsLike = False

.MatchAllWordForms = False

End With

Selection.Find.Execute Replace:=wdReplaceAll




You can find lots of interesting spaces, hyphens, and other Unicode characters here:


Wordperfect Weirdness

I work with lots of authors who use WordPerfect. Sometimes they pass their documents on to colleagues who use Microsoft Word. That wouldn't be a problem if the authors would first save their documents in Word format. But they don't, and their colleagues work on the documents in Word, pass them around to others, and then give them back to the authors, who send them to me.

When I open these documents they look okay--except that some of the characters look kind of funny. The quotation marks and apostrophes are a little crooked, and the em dashes are thick and bold. What's going on here?

What's going on is that these aren't regular ANSI characters. You can prove this by selecting one and then pressing CTRL + SPACEBAR to remove any directly applied formatting. When you do, the character will turn into some other character. With this particular kind of weirdness, an opening quotation mark (for example) will become a capital A. You could Find and Replace these with real quotation marks, but your document may have hundreds--even thousands--of *real* capital A's that you want to preserve.

Here's a list of the pseudo-characters (the ones I've identified; there could be more) and their corresponding true identities:


Em dash C

En dash B

Opening quotation mark A

Closing quotation mark @

Opening single quotation mark >

Closing single quotation mark

(apostrophe) =

Another way to prove something weird is happening is to put your cursor in front of one of these characters and then run the macro you'll find here:


The macro will tell you that the ANSI number is 40--which is really the number for an opening parenthesis. That will be true whether you're checking a pseudo-quotation mark, em dash, en dash, whatever. So you can't Find and Replace them by using character number 40, either, since your document may contain legitimate parentheses.

What's needed is a way to Find and Replace a character that is an A (or whatever) *and* has the ANSI number 40. At the end of this article is a macro (one for Word 97 and above; one for Word 6 and 95) that will do just that, for all the weird characters in question.

Now, if you run into this WordPerfect weirdness, you'll have a way to fix it. If you know about other characters that act the same way, please let me know and I'll include them in a future newsletter with a revised macro.

If you remove directly applied formatting and the character (such as an em dash) *doesn't* change to something else (such as a C) but instead to a less-bold version of the same thing (which can happen), then the macro won't fix it. It if you know what's going on with *these* weird characters and how to fix them, please let me know and I'll share your solution in the newsletter.

If you don't know how to use macros like the following, you can learn how here.


Dim a

Dim i

Dim FalseChar$

Dim TrueChar$

Dim ThisChar




'Check for platform

a = InStr(WordBasic.[AppInfo$](1), "Macintosh")

For i = 1 To 6

'Set find and replace variables

Select Case i

Case 1

FalseChar$ = "C"

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr(209)


TrueChar$ = Chr(151)

End If

Case 2

FalseChar$ = "B"

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr(208)


TrueChar$ = Chr(150)

End If

Case 3

FalseChar$ = "A"

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr(210)


TrueChar$ = Chr(147)

End If

Case 4

FalseChar$ = "@"

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr(211)


TrueChar$ = Chr(148)

End If

Case 5

FalseChar$ = ">"

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr(212)


TrueChar$ = Chr(145)

End If

Case 6

FalseChar$ = "="

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr(213)


TrueChar$ = Chr(146)

End If

Case Else

End Select

'Find and replace

WordBasic.EditFind Find:=FalseChar$, MatchCase:=1, PatternMatch:=0

While WordBasic.EditFindFound()

ThisChar = Asc(WordBasic.[Selection$]())

If ThisChar = 40 Then


WordBasic.Insert TrueChar$

End If



Next i






'Check for platform

a = InStr(AppInfo$(1), "Macintosh")

For i = 1 To 6

'Set find and replace variables

Select Case i

Case 1

FalseChar$ = "C"

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr$(209)


TrueChar$ = Chr$(151)

End If

Case 2

FalseChar$ = "B"

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr$(208)


TrueChar$ = Chr$(150)

End If

Case 3

FalseChar$ = "A"

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr$(210)


TrueChar$ = Chr$(147)

End If

Case 4

FalseChar$ = "@"

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr$(211)


TrueChar$ = Chr$(148)

End If

Case 5

FalseChar$ = ">"

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr$(212)


TrueChar$ = Chr$(145)

End If

Case 6

FalseChar$ = "="

If a Then

TrueChar$ = Chr$(213)


TrueChar$ = Chr$(146)

End If

Case Else

End Select

'Find and replace

EditFind .Find = FalseChar$, .MatchCase = 1, .PatternMatch = 0

While EditFindFound()

ThisChar = Asc(Selection$())

If ThisChar = 40 Then


Insert TrueChar$

End If



Next i




Donna Payne wrote:

In response to readers write about Track Changes in Word 2002:

Although Microsoft has removed the option for how deleted text should appear in this version due to markup balloons, we have a free pdf file at the following location that explains how to get around this:


Donna Payne


Payne Consulting Group, Inc.



Johanna Murphy wrote:

In answer to Mary Eberle's comments regarding AutoCorrect in you previous newsletter, I would like to give you my comments on this subject. I also have been using AutoCorrect heavily in Word 97, and I copied my normal over. The problem I have is just the opposite. The formatted entries freeze up the program, but the unformatted all work. Especially the entries I have for inserting fields. For instance, I create a date by using the field Month Date and Year. I then copy it into the AutoCorrect box and tell it to be formatted, but it will turn it into unformatted or freeze up the program. I really hate that! Any suggestions would be appreciated.

While I've got your attention, I am also hoping you or your readers could help me with a problem in Word XP. I work for a law firm and when we had Word 97, I had created the firm's letterhead templates, pleading templates, etc. I inserted comments into the templates for the other users' convenience. When the templates were transferred to Word XP, the comments showed up as a thin vertical line on the screen, and the lines ALSO PRINTED! Every time I open a template it is set to "Final Markup." Since then, I have learned to use the Reviewing Toolbar to set the document to "Final Document." This procedure is very tiresome to always have to remember to switch to Final Document. Staff and attorneys call me all the time to ask why these vertical lines show up when they print something. I have deleted the comments out of the templates, but the lines still show up unexpectedly on the printed documents even though they don't show on the screen anymore. Is there help for this? Thanks.

Thanks to Donna for the additional information and to Johanna for her questions.



If you're having problems importing documents from other word processing programs into Microsoft Word, some of the document converters from Microsoft may help:


Button Bonanza

Stars, pencils, light bulbs, puppy dogs, faces, diamonds, and hearts. What am I talking about? Toolbar buttons! Lots and lots of toolbar buttons!

If you like assigning macros to toolbar buttons, you're probably tired of the paltry 42 images you can use on those buttons by default. But fear not! Word has hundreds of images available. You just have to know how to get to them. The only way I know is with a macro, and I'm perfectly happy to share it with you:

HowManyToolBars = 10
HowManyButtons = 150
first = 1
last = HowManyButtons
On Error GoTo -1: On Error GoTo Warning
For toolbar = 10 To HowManyToolBars * 10 Step 10
TbarName$ = "Buttonbar " + _
WordBasic.[LTrim$](Str(toolbar / 10))
WordBasic.NewToolbar Name:=TbarName$, Context:=0
For button = first To last
WordBasic.AddButton TbarName$, 1, 1, "Bold", button, 0, ""
Next button
first = first + HowManyButtons
last = last + HowManyButtons
WordBasic.SizeToolbar TbarName$, 600
WordBasic.MoveToolbar TbarName$, 0, toolbar, (toolbar * 2) + 100
Next toolbar
GoTo Endmacro
WordBasic.MsgBox "Buttonbar " + _
WordBasic.[LTrim$](Str(toolbar / 10)) + " already exists.", "Delete Toolbar"
End Sub

If you don't know how to use macros like that one, you can learn how here.

After you run it, you'll have 10 new toolbars, named Buttonbar 1, Buttonbar 2, and so on. Each toolbar will have 150 buttons. For the sake of programming simplicity, each button does the same thing: turn on bold formatting. But you can see a button's original function by resting your mouse pointer over it and waiting a few seconds for its tooltip to appear. You can also copy the images from any of the buttons to paste on any other buttons you want. For example, if you want to assign macros to custom toolbar buttons, you now have lots of button images to choose from. You can learn more about assigning macros to toolbar buttons here:


If you decide you no longer need the toolbars and their many buttons, you can delete them by running this macro:

HowManyToolBars = 10
On Error GoTo -1: On Error GoTo Warning
For toolbar = 10 To HowManyToolBars * 10 Step 10
WordBasic.ViewToolbars toolbar:="Buttonbar " + _
WordBasic.[LTrim$](Str(toolbar / 10)), Delete:=1
Next toolbar
GoTo Endmacro
WordBasic.MsgBox "The toolbar does not exist.", "No Such Toolbar"
End Sub

If you really want to go crazy, you can step up the "10" in this line to create more than 10 toolbars:

HowManyToolbars = 10

And you can step up the "150" in this line to create more than 150 buttons on each toolbar:

HowManyButtons = 150

If you want to play around with this, please be judicious. The higher you set those numbers, the longer it will take to create the toolbars and buttons, and the more unwieldy they will become. I think 150 is pretty manageable for the number of buttons on a toolbar. You can set this to, say, 500, but that makes a *big* toolbar. And how many toolbars do you really need? The highest I've gone is 30, but I think 10 is plenty. It would be interesting to know how many images are actually available. After a while, quite a few of the images will be blank, and many of them will be duplicates.

WARNING: Be sure to adjust the macro that *deletes* buttons to correspond with the macro that *makes* buttons. To be more specific, the line "HowManyToolbars" should be set to the same number in both macros. If you ignore this, you could end up deleting all those toolbars by hand (under View > Toolbars).

Here are the corresponding macros for Word 6 and 95, which have only 366 images altogether, so don't try to make the macro go any higher. If you do, you'll just get an error message. The name of the toolbar here is "Buttons."


Sub MAIN On Error Goto Warning NewToolbar "Buttons" AddButton "Buttons", 1, 1, "Bold", 0 For button = 1 To 366 AddButton "Buttons", button, 1, "Bold", button Next button SizeToolbar "Buttons", 600 Goto Endmacro Warning: MsgBox "The toolbar already exists.", "Delete Toolbar" Endmacro: End Sub 'MACRO ENDS HERE

On Error Goto Warning
ViewToolbars .Toolbar = "Buttons", .Delete
Goto Endmacro
MsgBox "The toolbar does not exist.", "No Such Toolbar"
End Sub

Thanks to Frazer Wright for suggesting this topic.



Responding to last week's article on setting Word 2002's tracking format, Keith Soltys wrote:

I was interested to note your macro for setting Word 2002 to mark deleted text as strikethrough. In versions of Word prior to 2002, I've usually set deleted text to be hidden. I was surprised to see that Word 2002 didn't allow you to change the option for this; I guess they really want you to use the balloons, a "feature" that I detest. (They also broke comments; there's a market for an addon to make Word 2002 comments work the same way that Word 2000 did).

However, I did run into a really interesting bug that you might not be aware of. If you are using Word 2000 and have your revision tracking options set so that revision tracking is on and deleted text is shown as hidden, this setting gets carried forward into your Word 2002 document. You can't change it through the interface, only through VBA.

In this case, and if you are not using balloons, you may run into pagination issues. What happens is that in print layout view, Word may insert spurious blank pages when it finds deleted text. Pagination will be OK in normal view, but in print layout you will get any number of blank pages added into your file. It gets even more interesting--if you go to print preview, your file may balloon in size to several thousand pages.

The conditions for this to happen are quite specific. You must have revision tracking set so that deleted text is marked as hidden and revision tracking must be set to Final Showing Markup, and you must be in Print Layout view and not using balloons.

The fix is to use VBA to change how Word shows deleted text from hidden to strikethrough. You can also accept the changes in the file. Or set revision tracking to Final, or use balloons.

I encountered this bug not long after "upgrading" to Word 2002. I posted a message about the problem to the word-pc list and was contacted by someone from Microsoft, who eventually confirmed that it was indeed a bug.


Adding to Rohn Solecki's technique (explained in last week's newsletter) of using formatting to emulate text on a green-screen computer monitor, Stephen Riley wrote:

I used to do something very similar "back in the day". Another great advantage is being able to cheat and edit the data you have captured.

It's sometimes a heck of a lot easier to do this than to setup meaningful data in whatever application you are documenting.

As an extra snippet this was when I was documenting green screen Unix apps. Screen capture was via a terminal emulator (Reflection?) running on a PC.

For report files, print to .txt file and ftp from server to PC. Similar Style definition tweaked for 132 chars and using a landscape page.


Mary Eberle sent in a question that some astute reader may be able to answer:

I have been using AutoCorrect in Word 97 a lot lately. I have two approaches to the item that replaces what I type: (1) unformatted and (2) formatted (i.e., including a word or phrase in italics, bold, or something like that).

I just bought a laptop and copied my Normal.dot file onto the laptop. The "formatted" items in the AutoCorrect list copied, but the "unformatted" items did not. Do you know how to make the "unformatted" ones copy as well?

Mary also provided the following tip:

The reason I've been using AutoCorrect so much is that I've found a way to simplify my editing considerably. For example, if the author has used the verb "is" but the verb should be "are," I have an AutoCorrect entry that changes "isz_" (where the _ represents a space--the trigger for AutoCorrect to make the change) to "are"; I place the cursor right after the "is" and then access the AutoCorrect feature with a function key that types "z space backspace" and the "is" toggles to "are." By using the same function key I can toggle "are" back to "is" ("arez" becomes "is"). I have set up numerous such pairs in my original AutoCorrect file. I used "z" because in English it doesn't form many words at the end of a word; if one just uses a space, AutoCorrect jumps in to "help" when it is not wanted.

You may wonder how I'm using a function key to accomplish the "z" thing. Well, I was actually using a key on my programmable X-keys keyboard.

One reason the z_space approach and the X-keys are helping me speed up my editing is that I don't have to take my right hand off the mouse, so I can quickly move to the next thing that needs to be fixed.

Further information: Just typing "z" and then "space" will invoke the "isz to are" or "arez to is" toggle. No backspace or macro is needed. I've been using the programmable X-keys for so long now that I'm not used to just using the regular keyboard. Anyway, I hope that this toggle idea is useful to you.


Susan Bullowa asked the following questions. Any takers?

1. On rare occasions that I cannot seem to reproduce on my own, a screen tip appears when my cursor hovers over a paragraph (not the same as pressing SHIFT+ F1). The yellow box summarizes all of the formatting information for that paragraph. I love it but cannot seem to get it to appear consistently. Would anyone know what it is?

2. Your recent newsletters on styles that you and other book editors use have been very helpful. I had evolved to creating a template for the freelance work I do for a publisher. The compositor there uses Quark on a Mac. I've tried to make it easy for him to convert my PC Word files (RTF naturally) into Quark. I'd like to make a template for the authors who often do not know how to use styles. Has anyone created a basic template for the poor dears who reformat all of their Normal-style paragraphs manually? A template that also guides them?

Thanks to all for their comments and tips.



Some people enjoy creating and making available even more toolbar buttons. Here's one commercial source:


And a free one:


Revision-Tracking Format in Word 2002

Before Word 2002, it was possible to set revision-tracking colors and formatting separately for inserted and deleted text. The procedure was simple:

1. Click Tools / Track Changes / Highlight Changes / Options.

2. Select "Mark" (bold, italic, underline, or double underline) for "Inserted text."

3. Select "Color" (various) for "Inserted text."

4. Select "Mark" (bold, italic, underline, or double underline) for "Deleted text."

5. Select "Color" (various) for "Deleted text."

6. Click the "OK" button.

In Word 2002, however, this feature works only for "Inserted Text." "Deleted text" automatically follows suit, and there seems to be no way to set the two independently. To make matters worse, Strikethrough is no longer among the listed marking options. How annoying! Fortunately, there's a hidden way to overcome these limitations. I've exploited it in the following macro, which you can easily modify to meet your own needs:

Sub SetTrackingFormat()
With Options
.InsertedTextMark = wdInsertedTextMarkUnderline
.InsertedTextColor = wdBlue
.DeletedTextMark = wdDeletedTextMarkStrikeThrough
.DeletedTextColor = wdRed
End With
End Sub

If you don't know how to use macros like that one, you can learn how here.

The macro is currently set to mark insertions as blue text with underline, and to mark deletions as red text with strikethrough. To change this, replace the "Underline" on the end of "wdInsertedTextMarkUnderline" or the "StrikeThrough" on the end of "wdDeletedTextMarkStrikeThrough" with any of the following:








Then replace "wdBlue" or "wdRed" with any of the following:



















Then run the macro (Tools / Macro / Macros). Hah, hah! Once again Microsoft Word must bend to your will!



Readers have sent so many great tips and comments that it's taking a while to go through them all. They'll be appearing in the newsletter over the next few weeks. Today's issue makes a good start, however. Many thanks to Bill Rubidge, Rohn Solecki, and Rebecca Evans for their terrific comments and tips.

Referring to the December 18, 2002, issue of Editorium Update, which featured styles and style lists from readers, Bill Rubidge (wbr@aya.yale.edu) wrote:

Eric Fletcher explains that he uses an "Editorial Note" style. We use something similar, but the style is called "Open Issue". (Actually, the name has a prefix, so that all the styles we use are sorted together in the list and distinguishable from styles that may come from other templates or users). The style highlights items with color, as Eric's does, but we do one thing more.

At the end of our documents, we insert a page break and then type a title "Open Issues". Below that, we generate a TOC based only the Open Issue style (not any headings--TOC field {TOC t "wbrOpenIssue,1"}). This gives us a complete list of these open issues for the entire document, to ensure that none are overlooked.

By the way, we also insert these Open Issue paragraphs (which are sometimes just queries) ABOVE the item in question, and the Open Issue style has the paragraph set to "keep with next". This helps make the page number refs in the Open Issue TOC more accurate.

If you really want to get complicated, on multi-file projects (we deal with about 40 files per book), it may be easier to just extract the open issues from the file and put them into another document. For now, I just do this using the open issue TOC at the end of each file, but have a macro that copies it (fields unlinked) to the clipboard and then opens up our Open Issue file (in Excel, for easier sorting). Based on posts in the Word PC listserve, I think involving Maggie Seneca, I think you could also harvest all the Open Issue items in the file and automatically write them to another file (rather than the manual paste we're using).

You might refer to the macro that Bryan and Pieter helped Eve Golden with, back in the Daily Word Tips list. I think the last posts about it were from November 20. That macro searches for text highlighted in a certain way, and copies all that text and appends it to a separate file.


Rohn Solecki wrote:

I also have a favorite style you might want to pass on. Although it may not be useful to the publishing industry, it is handy for internal documentation in companies that still use "green screen" computer terminals. Green screen terminals are the old style fixed pitch font, by default 24 line by 80 character displays (but optionally up to 27 lines by 132 characters).

Rather than doing a graphic screen capture I do a Edit / Select All, Edit / Copy to capture the text, paste to Word, then apply my "Screen Print" paragraph style to reasonably simulate the appearance of text on the computer terminal. This style has 3 main advantages over pasting a graphic screen capture:

* It uses orders of magnitude less space, which is important if you have lots of screens to capture.

* It is editable, so if something on screen changes you don't have redo the capture.

* Since it is editable, it is easy to apply character formatting like highlighter or font colors to highlight specific sections (without having to use a separate graphics program).

Details of Screen Print Paragraph Style:

* Paragraph Formatting - Flush Left, Keep with Next, Keep lines together, Border: box (single line), Shading: 5%, Indent: Hanging 0.25 Right 0", Widow and Orphan Control. Font Formatting - Courier, 10 pt, Condensed 0.5 pt.

Reasons for choices:

* The Box Border and 5% Shading simulate the look of the screen.

* Keep Lines together and Keep with next ensure that the whole screen capture stays on same page.

* Hanging indent is optional if a line wraps for some reason, for example, capturing from a 132-character display.

* Courier is fixed pitch so characters line up as they did on screen.

* 10 pt Condensed 0.5pt so that an 80-character line will fit on a page with reasonable margins (less than the default 1.5" both sides) without wrapping.


Rebecca Evans (evansreb@earthlink.net) wrote:

I have been designing and typesetting books for a living since 1976. Being able to use style tags in today's programs is certainly a blessing compared to keeping a spec sheet beside you so you can hand key specs as you re-type a book from a typemarked manuscript.

My comment on the style naming issue is that I have found I do not need list tags that add space after the list (NL End), just the tag to begin the list and for the interior paragraphs. All I need after lists, boxes, and the like, are two Body Text tags with added space above them, one with a paragraph indent and one without, because any paragraph style other than Body Text--heads, extracts, boxes, summaries, other lists--already includes space above.

Of course this assumes that spacing is consistent within a design so that you don't have +12' below a BL and +6' below an NL. And, I realize this may not be applicable to documents other than books. However, in my experience with textbooks, I have found those two extra Body Text styles to be all the "exit" styles I need.

On another note, I use two character style names because that lets me reduce the width of the style tag window (I use Ventura Publisher and keep the style list docked and open on screen), leaving more screen width to display page spreads. This is not an issue if you use a style drop down menu but I thought I'd throw in my two cents on that one too.

I responded, "Not being a Ventura user myself, I'd like to know why Ventura users want to tag Word files before bringing them into Ventura. Won't Ventura import RTF files? Any light you could shed on that subject for me?"

Rebecca replied:

Ventura does import RTF files--it will even File:Open RTF files and build copies of all the Styles as closely as possible to how they are in Word. Irrespective of that, you elucidated the reasons for using raw codes very well in your recent essay.

Most books are Styled erratically by the author and there is usually so much junk left in text files that it's easier to clean up the text if you can see the raw codes. Much of what I clean up is taken care of by EKTPlus but I still like to see exactly what I'm importing before I import it.

Also, an author's Styles, even if perfectly applied, never match the design of the typeset book. It is far easier for me to type codes than to drop down the Style list and click each one. Assign Styles to buttons takes a long time and would be almost as much work to use as dropping down the style list.

I use XyWrite for coding text files because I can drop in coding with short-cut keys, which are incredibly easy to assign in XyWrite: no menus, just select the text, press F2, press the key you want to use for that shortcut (any key), then press F3 to deselect the text. Then it's just ALT+"that key" to insert the text. You can keep reassigning new text to your shortcut keys as you work.

XyWrite also has macro-scripting capabilities that let me build S&R tables for almost anything. I keep the S&R table open in a separate window while I work so I can change/add entries in it as I go along.

Unfortunately, XyWrite is ASCII and everything else in the world (seemingly) is ANSI so I've recently been converting over to coding in Word. Assigning and using shortcut keys is more of a process in Word because alphanumeric keys are used for Word function shortcuts.

I should tell you that XyWrite is an older program used mostly by programming types now. XyWrite is DOS-based so I don't know if it will even run under Windows XP. It's an old friend for me but someone trying to learn it today probably wouldn't know what to do with the command line at the top of the screen (very useful if you know DOS commands) and would have to adjust to using function keys rather than the CTRL/ALT keys to execute commands.

There are folks out there who write scripts for converting Word coding to Ventura--Allan Shearer in Canada comes to mind--but your programs are so well executed and beautifully interfaced that it's worth paying for them even if the same functions are available free from other sources.



RMIT University has an excellent collection of links related to editing and publishing:


Wildcard Dictionary Entries

Some weeks ago I suggested the need for a "wildcard dictionary" and asked readers to send in their contributions. You can read that article here:


I heard from Rosalie Wells, Hilary Powers, Eric Fletcher, Allene Goforth, Michael Coleman, and Steve Hudson, who sent some great wildcard strings and commentary on their use. Many thanks to them, and, if I missed anyone, many apologies.

You can learn more about finding and replacing with wildcards in these back issues of Editorium Update:







And now, the wildcard dictionary entries! (Before using any of these in the real world, be sure to try them on some test documents to make sure they will do what you need. You should do that with any wildcard string, of course.)



I use this one all the time in my translations into Spanish to change the decimal separator "period" to a "comma" separator as required for many Spanish-speaking countries:

Find what: ([0-9]).([0-9])

Replace with: 1,2



I tend to design strings from scratch when needed, but here are a couple that I use often enough to more or less remember them:

.([A-Z])|. 1

opens up initials on reference lists; requires fixing things like U.S. and N.Y. after

([0-9]). |^t1.^t

indents hand-typed list numbers

[!.]^013 - review one by one and add periods by hand where needed. There's a way of scanning for more end-sentence punctuation and doing the change automatically, but I'm usually too lazy to look it up and this is what I remember. A complete punctuation scan would be quite welcome. . . .

It'd be a good idea to emphasize that the Wildcard and Revision Tracking features do bad things to each other, at least in Word 97. Some simple replaces will work with tracking on, but it's hard to predict which ones are safe and which ones will scramble the new info. Before running any wildcard replace operation, it's best to save the file and then turn the tracking off. Run the replace, check to see if it worked, then TURN THE TRACKING BACK ON.



I have my favourites in various Word files I seem to never get around to consolidating. But here are a few I found without having to look very hard:

DESCRIPTION: Finding a telephone number formatted as 123-4567.

FIND WHAT: ([0-9]{3})(-)([0-9]{4})


KEY WORDS: Telephone number



COMMENTS: This is handy for doing a quick review of phone numbers. In Word 2002, you can choose to select all occurrences so you can see them easily in context.

DESCRIPTION: Changing telephone numbers formatted as (123) 456-7890 or (123)456-7890 to 123-456-7890.

FIND WHAT: ([(])([0-9]{3})([)])(*)([0-9]{3})(-)([0-9]{4})


KEY WORDS: Telephone number

BEFORE: Telephone numbers formatted as (123) 456-7890 or (123)456-7890.

AFTER: Telephone numbers formatted as 123-456-7890 or 123-456-7890.

COMMENTS: Note that the (*) looks after catching situations where there may or may not be a space after the area code portion.

DESCRIPTION: Find formatted text and change it to use HTML codes.

FIND WHAT: Font=Italic


KEY WORDS: Italic, HTML, formatting

BEFORE: Change the italicized words to use HTML codes.

AFTER: Change the italicized words to use HTML codes.

COMMENTS: If you include Font=Not italic in the Replace with, the italics will be removed as well. Use variations of this for any formatting and other HTML codes.

DESCRIPTION: Find text coded with HTML and change it to Word formatting.

FIND WHAT: ()(*)()

REPLACE WITH: 2 Font=Italic

KEY WORDS: HTML, italic, formatting

BEFORE: Change the italicized words to regular Word formatting.

AFTER: Change the italicized words to regular Word formatting.

COMMENTS: Use variations of this for any formatting and other HTML codes.



Here are five of my wildcard routines. I use more than those, but some are specific to various publishers, and others are of the half-baked variety.

DESCRIPTION: In APA-style references lists, find volume numbers in roman and change them to italic. Retain the issue numbers in roman.

FIND WHAT: , [0-9]{1,}

REPLACE WITH: [nothing]; change font to italic

KEY WORDS: APA, references, volume numbers

BEFORE: Developmental Neurobiology, 13(2)

AFTER: Developmental Neurobiology, 13(2)

COMMENT: Find string includes a space between the first comma and the bracket.

DESCRIPTION: In APA-style references lists, find issue numbers in italics and change to roman.

FIND WHAT: ([0-9]@)

REPLACE WITH: [nothing]; change format to roman

KEY WORDS: APA, references, issue numbers

BEFORE: Developmental Neurobiology, 13(2)

AFTER: Developmental Neurobiology, 13(2)

DESCRIPTION: In APA-style references lists, find initials in names that need a space inserted after the period.

FIND WHAT: ([A-Z].[!A-Z])


KEYWORDS: APA, references, initials

BEFORE: Brown, A.C.

AFTER: Brown, A. C.

COMMENTS: A space is needed at the beginning of the Replace string.

DESCRIPTION: In APA-style references lists, find name strings containing "&" that need commas inserted before the "&."

FIND WHAT: ( [&])


KEY WORDS: APA, references, &, comma

BEFORE: Smith, A. B. & Gordon, D. J.

AFTER: Smith, A. B., & Gordon, D. J.

COMMENTS: In the Find string, there is a space between the opening parenthesis and the bracket.

DESCRIPTION: Find and close up space between journal volume number and issue number in APA-style references lists.

FIND WHAT: (([0-9]@))


KEY WORDS: APA, references, space, volume, issue

BEFORE: 45 (3)

AFTER: 45(3)

COMMENTS: In the Find string there should be a space before the opening parenthesis. There should not be a space before the first character in the Replace string.



Right now I'm working on an index. There's not a lot of work to be done, but it was exported from Quark to Word, so all the formatting was stripped. (If there's a way to avoid that, I'd love to learn about it.) So I set styles for the four levels. Simple enough. The only other trick is to get back all of the italics. There are a few titles that need to be italicized, and fortunately I know that they all have names with at least three words, so I searched for a string

[A-Z]([a-z]@) [A-Z]([a-z]@) [A-Z]

I didn't make any automatic changes because several titles fit the string but don't get italicized.

We used to have a lot of tables, figures, and exhibits in our books, but now they're all called figures. In the index, the appropriate first letter--t, f, or e--appeared in italics after the page number, such as 11-11e. (We use chapter-page pagination.) So I searched for


I set the replace string to italic and replaced with


Then I searched for ([0-9]) formatted as italic and changed it back to roman using 1.

Our old style was to use en dashes to show a range of pages, but that was hard to read because of the hyphens in the chapter-page pagination format. So we changed it to "to." I therefore searched for


And replaced it with

to 1



Remove Time stamping from most logs:

F: [[]*[]]

R: nothing

Kill excessive blank paras

F: ^p^p^p

R: ^p^p

Locate some passive voice instances

Find: be <*ed>

Convert a list of Firstname Lastname to Initial. Lastname

Find <(?)(*)> <(*)>

Replace 1. 3

Find manually formatted numbering (hand tweak)

F: [0-9]@.^t

R: Pass 1 List style, pass 2, nil.

Straight Quotes to Curly Quotes

To turn curlies to straight:

1. Turn off the Autocorrect

2. Go to your find and replace dialog and replace " with ".

Sharon Key wrote asking why, after selecting smart quotes, her find and replace of quotes with themselves didn't work to trigger the replacement from straight to curly. Yes, your FnR (find and replace) is NOT triggering the smart quote function. To do that it needs something before or after the quote to help the smart quote system dope it out. It's actually triggered by an "end of word" condition. So to replace straight quotes with curly quotes, use these FnR's with Wildcards enabled (select More and then look at options near the lower left)

Find: "(<*>)

Replace: "1

Find: ([! ])"

Replace: 1"

Both formulae use the () to force capture of that segment to be referred to in the replace section as 1 (or whatever left -> right position it holds if there are multiple bracketed entries).

The first finds quotes followed by a word ( a < is a start of a word, * is anything, a > is the end of a word), and replaces the quote with the word (now referred to as 1 from being bracketed) after it. You can't use that same trick for the second, as it selects the whole string of words afore it, and the smart quote feature is confused as the last typed character was in a range. So, we find any non blank character followed by a quote, and replace the single character and the quote. This will take care of most of your problems.

FnR CheatSheet

?= Any 1 character

*=Any string of characters

@ any number of repeats of the previous character

<=the beginning of a word

=the end of a word

{n}=n repeats of the previous char

{n,}=at least n repeats

{n-m}= between n and m repeats

[ ] marks a set of characters. A - used inside this means an ascending range between the two hyphenated characters. A !, only valid at the set's start, means 'any character except'.

() groups the expressions and indicates the order of evaluation. It is used with the n wildcard to rearrange expressions. The result of the 1st () pair is represented by 1, the next pair 2 and so on.

The easiest way is to use a special character as a literal, e.g. to find a bracket character, use ASCII code 40 instead. ASCII codes are specified in ANY sort of search with the caret ^.

= ^92













To find some relevant information in Word's help file, Contents > Editing and Sorting text > Finding and Replacing Text. A few links later you can get some wildcard information.

10{1,3} finds "10", "100", and "1000".

[10]@ finds any binary number

<[a-zA-Z]{1,3}> finds words of three letters or less.

<[A-Z][a-z]@> finds any title-cased word.

<[0-9]@> finds any whole number, <[0-9]{1,3}> from 0-999

Find: <([0-9]@[/.-])([0-9]@[/.-])([0-9]@>)

Replace with: 2 1 3

Changes all numeric dates from DD/MM/YY(YY) to MM/DD/YY(YY) and back again.



Readers have sent so many great tips and comments that it's taking a while to go through them all. They'll be appearing in the newsletter over the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience.



There's an excellent explanation of how to find and replace with wildcards at the Microsoft Word MVP site:


Readers Write

After publishing last week's article on creating a standard style list, I received such amazing feedback that I decided to dispense with a feature article this week and go straight to the Readers Write column. There's enough information here to keep you reading, thinking, and implementing for some time, and I owe my thanks in particular to Eric Fletcher, LeAnne Baird (with comments from Roger Shuttleworth), and Wordmeister Steve Hudson. Enjoy!


Eric Fletcher (chesley@attcanada.ca) wrote:

Wow, your style list would be a great reference for parts of books, let alone for managing the format!

I have a couple that we use that you might also consider.

Photo box

Used to identify an image by its file name or reference number. I usually have this set up in red text with a red box around it because if you zoom out (Ctrl-Scrollwheel), they are very visible even when the rest of the copy turns to black lines. When we are trying to "populate" a book with images, it can be a handy way to see if there are any gaping holes. If we are doing the layout with the images in Word, this is handy because I can put in the file name, then convert it to the includepicture field after we've dealt with the text of the file. If we are providing the images, we can provide information that helps in the layout (file name on CD, pixel dimensions & colour depth; identity and format of original art...)

Editorial note

Used for a note to the editor (or reviewer) about something we came across during the layout or editing. We have it set the copy in a light green filled box in Arial Narrow type so it is very visible on screen and quite visible if printed. It is also easy to spot in a very reduced view (as above) but I also have an associated button that finds the next "Editorial note" style to be able to quickly review them. The editorial note has been much more useful to us than Word's comments or review functions as many of our documents get sent out as paper copies. As well, many are being reviewed by people whose first language is not English (or French) so we often find ourselves having to be "diplomatic" in querying the intended meaning. (Some of the content is very technical so we cannot presume to be subject matter experts even if we see something that is clearly not correct--I'm sure you've had this experience now and then . . . ) This style enables us to copy a sentence and rework it as a "suggestion." If they agree, they don't have to write it themselves--and we don't have to try to decipher their writing!


Eric also wrote:

I discovered a feature of Word 2002 that I'd hitherto overlooked--and it was so useful I thought I should share it with you.

With Word's task pane set to "Styles and formatting" and the bottom pull-down set to "Formatting in use", you are presented with what at first appears to be an often long and useless list of all of the variations of different formatting within the document. But when you select one of the items in this list (labelled "Pick formatting to apply"), instead of clicking on the format summary to apply it, right-click it and examine the pull-down menu that appears. From it, you can choose Modify and some other options, but the top line both shows how many instances of the selected format occur in the document AND gives you the opportunity to select all of them at once. Once selected of course, you can apply a style or do some other action on the whole set.

As an example, when I noticed that the panel listed both "Heading 3" and "Heading 3 + underline", choosing to select all 11 instances of the latter let me change all eleven of the instances of underlining contained within the Heading 3 style to no underline and italic instead--in one single action.

Of course, I could have done the same thing with find and replace but this is much faster and lets me see formatting issues that I might otherwise have overlooked. For example, I frequently end up selectively tweaking character spacing (condensing the font) or slightly reducing inter-paragraph spacing in several places throughout a document to manually adjust to fit text for a final print layout. Getting rid of such things for subsequent use of the content is complicated because they are not evident. This task pane feature makes it simple: all of the variations are listed and I can do all of it from the panel without potentially losing other formatting I do want to retain. (As would be the case with superscripts and the like if they were within a selection and I just used Ctrl-Space to reset the font for example.) My panel showed all such variations as "Condensed by 0.1 pt" as well as "Condensed by 0.25 pt" and "Block indent + Before: 5 pt" so it was easy to reset them to the normal conditions. As you do so, the list gets shorter until (ideally) you are left with only the standard style list with allowable variants like italics within them.

In addition to Formatting in use, the other options at the bottom of the task pane in this view let you see Available styles (just the styles), Available formatting (the styles plus variants), All styles (your own plus default ones), and Custom (lets you select what to display). All-in-all, a very powerful tool for anyone who is serious about managing style usage in a Word document.


LeAnne Baird wrote:

The paragraph naming scheme below is a pain to implement because legacy documents may need to have their styles replaced, but we bit the bullet and did it in one team I was on just because it is SUCH an elegant solution--so elegant that I've used it at every new company since we did the first one, and so have many of the other team members in *their* subsequent assignments.

🙂 Note: I've never used a complete template that didn't have more than 100 and less than 120 styles. Seems always to come out about the same regardless of the subject matter or document type!

1. Rename each paragraph (and character) style with a two-letter prefix followed by a space. Begin master and reference page styles with z or x +[letter or number] to send them to the bottom of the list.

2. Tag paragraphs from the keyboard by pressing F9, entering the prefix, and pressing Enter (or you may need to press one or two down arrows, see below). The desired style is applied.

This strategy makes the shortcuts easy to memorize through frequent use because we try hard to be logical, with the exception of "aa body," so named because it can always float to the top of the list. If you're forced to scroll for something, at least you can get close with F9+one key.

aa body

b1 bullet 1st level

b2 bullet 2nd level

bp bullet para

bp bullet para 2 (F9+bp+Down Arrow)

h1 heading 1

h2 heading 2

tb table body

th table heading

t1 table bullet 1

tp table bullet 1 para

s1 step 1

s2 subsequent steps

zc Chapter name

zn Chapter number

I am about finished with a MS Word template with customized style and table-insert toolbars so that our non-writer internal customers can easily use the same styles to produce consistently styled documents. These documents then (ZIP!) import right into Frame and lay themselves out with only minor nudges for print and PDF, and (ZIP!) right out through WWP to reformat as online Help systems.

By the way, for organizations looking toward the XML future, these are the considerations in style naming according to the quick-and-dirty search I did. Some of the major databases (SQL, Oracle, Sybase) do not support underscores in XML tag names, and for SQL processing XML tag names must start with two alpha characters. Of course, use no special characters, and this includes hyphens. Mixed case would seem to be OK, but the suggestion is that all the style names be mixed case if some are. (I can't imagine why this would make a difference, but who knows what lurks inside those db engines.) Also, in the XML naming specs, titles should not be longer than 30 characters for Sybase and Oracle, 18 for Informix.

In corresponding with LeAnne about this, Roger Shuttleworth noted:

Some folks suggest that you should keep paragraph (and character) format names to one word. One reason for this is that XML tags cannot contain spaces, and you may want to (ZIP!) them across to XML in some way in the future, perhaps as attributes. So I use an underscore rather than a space, and run the words together, such as RI_ReferenceInfo.


Steve Hudson was good enough to share his standard style lists for a variety of publication types, including the formatting for the styles!


Body Text: Generic + Font: Arial, Hyphenate, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0 cm

Body Text C: Generic + Font: Arial, Centered, Hyphenate

Body Text R: Generic + Font: Arial, Flush Right, Hyphenate

Code: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Courier New, 10 pt, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Raised 1 pt, Font color: Auto, English (Australia), No effect, Pattern: Clear

Copyright: Generic + Font: Arial, 7 pt, Space before 0 pt after 0 pt, Hyphenate

Default Paragraph Font: The font of the underlying paragraph style + English (Australia)

Emphasis: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Bold, Not Italic, Underline color: Auto, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

FollowedHyperlink: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Not Italic, Underline, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Gray-50%, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Footer: Header +

Generic: Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Don't hyphenate

Glossary: Default Paragraph Font + Underline color: Auto, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Header: Generic + Font: Arial, Tabs: 7.3 cm centered, 14.64 cm right flush

Heading 1: Heading 4 + Font: 26 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm, Space before 18 pt after 21 pt, Level 1, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

Heading 1 No TOC: Generic + Font: Verdana, 26 pt, Bold, Space before 18 pt after 21 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together

Heading 2: Heading 4 + Font: 22 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm, Space before 18 pt after 15 pt, Level 2, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

Heading 2 No TOC: Generic + Font: Verdana, 22 pt, Bold, Space before 18 pt after 15 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together

Heading 3: Heading 4 + Font: 16 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm, Space before 18 pt after 15 pt, Level 3, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

Heading 4: Generic + Font: Verdana, 12 pt, Bold, Space before 6 pt after 6 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together, Level 4

Heading 5: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 5

Heading 6: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 6

Heading 7: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 7

Heading 8: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 8

Heading 9: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 9

Heading-table-centred: Heading-table-left + Centered

Heading-table-left: Generic + Font: Arial Narrow, 13 pt, Bold, Hyphenate

Heading-table-right: Heading-table-left + Flush Right

Hyperlink: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Not Italic, Underline, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Blue, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Index 1: Generic + Font: Arial, Hyphenate

Index 2: Generic + Font: Arial, Indent: Left 0.74 cm First 0.74 cm, Hyphenate

Index 3: Generic + Font: Arial, Indent: Left 1.48 cm First 1.48 cm, Hyphenate

Input: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Tahoma, 9 pt, Bold, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

KeyPress: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Tahoma, 9 pt, Bold, Underline color: Auto, Not Small caps, All caps, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

List Bullet: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

List Number: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

List Number Outline: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

Microline: Normal + Font: 1 pt, Font color: White

Normal: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Flush left, Line spacing single, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers

Output: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Verdana, 9 pt, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Page Number: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Arial, Bold, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Subtitle: Title + Font: 18 pt, Space before 12 pt, Keep lines together

Terminal Screen: Generic + Font: Courier, 8 pt, No Proofing, Indent: Left 0.55 cm Right 0.55 cm, Space before 1 pt after 0 pt, Border: Top(Single solid line, Auto, 1 pt Line width), Bottom(Single solid line, Auto, 1 pt Line width), Left(Single solid line, Auto, 1 ...

TextBox: Generic + Font: Arial Narrow, Bold, Space before 0 pt after 0 pt, Hyphenate

TextBox C: TextBox + Centered

TextBox R: TextBox + Flush Right

Title: Generic + Font: Tahoma, 36 pt, Bold, Centered, Space before 72 pt after 12 pt, Not Keep lines together

TOC 1: Generic + Font: Verdana, 12 pt, Bold, No Proofing, Space before 18 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together, Tabs: 0 cm, 14.64 cm right flush ...

TOC 2: TOC 1 + Font: Not Bold, Space before 3 pt after 0 pt, Keep lines together

TOC 3: TOC 2 + Font: 10 pt, Indent: Left 0.74 cm

TOC 4: TOC 3 + Indent: Left 1.48 cm, Space after 3 pt

TOC 5: TOC 2 + Font: 10 pt, Space after 3 pt

TOC 6: TOC 5 +

TOC 7: TOC 5 +

TOC 8: TOC 5 +

Version: Subtitle + Font: 14 pt, Not Bold, Space before 6 pt after 3 pt


Body Text: Generic + Font: Arial, 12 pt, Hyphenate, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0 cm

Body Text C: Generic + Font: Arial, 12 pt, Centered, Hyphenate

Body Text R: Generic + Font: Arial, 12 pt, Flush Right, Hyphenate

Code: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Courier New, 12 pt, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Raised 1 pt, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Copyright: Generic + Font: Arial, 7 pt, Space before 0 pt after 0 pt, Hyphenate

Default Paragraph Font: The font of the underlying paragraph style + English (Australia)

Emphasis: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Bold, Not Italic, Underline color: Auto, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

FollowedHyperlink: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Not Italic, Underline, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Gray-50%, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Footer: Header +

Generic: Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Suppress line numbers, Don't hyphenate

Glossary: Default Paragraph Font + Underline color: Auto, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Header: Generic + Font: Arial, Tabs: 7.3 cm centered, 14.64 cm right flush

Heading 1: Heading 4 + Font: 28 pt, Space before 18 pt after 21 pt, Level 1

Heading 1 No TOC: Generic + Font: Verdana, 28 pt, Bold, Space before 18 pt after 21 pt, Keep with next, Keep lines together

Heading 2: Heading 4 + Font: 24 pt, Space before 18 pt after 15 pt, Level 2

Heading 2 No TOC: Generic + Font: Verdana, 24 pt, Bold, Space before 18 pt after 15 pt, Keep with next, Keep lines together

Heading 3: Heading 4 + Font: 18 pt, Space before 18 pt after 15 pt, Level 3

Heading 4: Generic + Font: Verdana, 14 pt, Bold, Space before 6 pt after 6 pt, Keep with next, Keep lines together, Level 4

Heading 5: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 5

Heading 6: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 6

Heading 7: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 7

Heading 8: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 8

Heading 9: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 9

Heading-table-centred: Heading-table-left + Centered

Heading-table-left: Generic + Font: Arial Narrow, 13 pt, Bold, Keep lines together, Hyphenate

Heading-table-right: Heading-table-left + Flush Right

Hyperlink: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Not Italic, Underline, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Blue, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Index 1: Generic + Font: Arial, 12 pt, Hyphenate

Index 2: Generic + Font: Arial, 12 pt, Indent: Left 0.74 cm First 0.74 cm, Hyphenate

Index 3: Generic + Font: Arial, 12 pt, Indent: Left 1.48 cm First 1.48 cm, Hyphenate

Input: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Tahoma, 11 pt, Bold, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

KeyPress: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Tahoma, 11 pt, Bold, Underline color: Auto, Not Small caps, All caps, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

List Bullet: Font: Arial, 12 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

List Number: Font: Arial, 12 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

List Number Outline: Font: Arial, 12 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

Microline: Normal + Font: 1 pt, Font color: White

Normal: Font: Arial, 12 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Flush left, Line spacing single, Widow/orphan control, Suppress line numbers

Output: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Verdana, 11 pt, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Page Number: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Arial, Bold, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Subtitle: Title + Font: 18 pt, Space before 12 pt

Terminal Screen: Generic + Font: Courier, 8 pt, No Proofing, Indent: Left 0.55 cm Right 0.55 cm, Space before 1 pt after 0 pt, Border: Top(Single solid line, Auto, 1 pt Line width), Bottom(Single solid line, Auto, 1 pt Line width), Left(Single solid line, Auto, 1 ...

TextBox: Generic + Font: Arial Narrow, Bold, Space before 0 pt after 0 pt, Hyphenate

TextBox C: TextBox + Centered

TextBox R: TextBox + Flush Right

Title: Generic + Font: Tahoma, 36 pt, Bold, Centered, Space before 72 pt after 12 pt

TOC 1: Generic + Font: Verdana, 12 pt, Bold, No Proofing, Space before 18 pt, Keep with next, Tabs: 0 cm, 14.64 cm right flush ...

TOC 2: TOC 1 + Font: 10 pt, Not Bold, Proof Text, Space before 3 pt after 0 pt, Not Keep with next, Tabs:Not at 0 cm, 14.64 cm

TOC 3: TOC 2 + Indent: Left 0.74 cm

TOC 4: TOC 3 + Indent: Left 1.48 cm, Space after 3 pt

TOC 5: TOC 2 + Space after 3 pt

TOC 6: TOC 5 +

TOC 7: TOC 5 +

TOC 8: TOC 5 +

Version: Subtitle + Font: 14 pt, Not Bold, Space before 6 pt after 3 pt


Body Text: Generic + Font: Arial, Hyphenate, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0 cm

Body Text C: Generic + Font: Arial, Centered, Hyphenate

Body Text R: Generic + Font: Arial, Flush Right, Hyphenate

Code: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Courier New, 10 pt, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Raised 1 pt, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Copyright: Generic + Font: Arial, 7 pt, Space before 0 pt after 0 pt, Hyphenate

Default Paragraph Font: The font of the underlying paragraph style + English (Australia)

Emphasis: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Bold, Not Italic, Underline color: Auto, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

FollowedHyperlink: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Not Italic, Underline, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Gray-50%, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Footer: Header +

Generic: Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Don't hyphenate

Glossary: Default Paragraph Font + Underline color: Auto, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Header: Generic + Font: Arial, Tabs: 7.3 cm centered, 14.64 cm right flush

Heading 1: Heading 4 + Font: 26 pt, Space before 18 pt after 21 pt, Level 1, Numbered, Tabs: 0 cm

Heading 1 No TOC: Generic + Font: Verdana, 26 pt, Bold, Space before 18 pt after 21 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together

Heading 2: Heading 4 + Font: 22 pt, Space before 18 pt after 15 pt, Level 2

Heading 2 No TOC: Generic + Font: Verdana, 22 pt, Bold, Space before 18 pt after 15 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together

Heading 3: Heading 4 + Font: 16 pt, Space before 18 pt after 15 pt, Level 3

Heading 4: Generic + Font: Verdana, 12 pt, Bold, Space before 6 pt after 6 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together, Level 4

Heading 5: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 5

Heading 6: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 6

Heading 7: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 7

Heading 8: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 8

Heading 9: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt, Level 9

Heading-table-centred: Heading-table-left + Centered

Heading-table-left: Generic + Font: Arial Narrow, 13 pt, Bold, Hyphenate

Heading-table-right: Heading-table-left + Flush Right

Hyperlink: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Not Italic, Underline, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Blue, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Index 1: Generic + Font: Arial, Hyphenate

Index 2: Generic + Font: Arial, Indent: Left 0.74 cm First 0.74 cm, Hyphenate

Index 3: Generic + Font: Arial, Indent: Left 1.48 cm First 1.48 cm, Hyphenate

Input: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Tahoma, 9 pt, Bold, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

KeyPress: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Tahoma, 9 pt, Bold, Underline color: Auto, Not Small caps, All caps, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

List Bullet: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

List Number: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

List Number Outline: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

Microline: Normal + Font: 1 pt, Font color: White

Normal: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Flush left, Line spacing single, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers

Output: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Verdana, 9 pt, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Page Number: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Arial, Bold, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Subtitle: Title + Font: 18 pt, Space before 12 pt, Keep lines together

Terminal Screen: Generic + Font: Courier, 8 pt, No Proofing, Indent: Left 0.55 cm Right 0.55 cm, Space before 1 pt after 0 pt, Border: Top(Single solid line, Auto, 1 pt Line width), Bottom(Single solid line, Auto, 1 pt Line width), Left(Single solid line, Auto, 1 ...

TextBox: Generic + Font: Arial Narrow, Bold, Space before 0 pt after 0 pt, Hyphenate

TextBox C: TextBox + Centered

TextBox R: TextBox + Flush Right

Title: Generic + Font: Tahoma, 36 pt, Bold, Centered, Space before 72 pt after 12 pt, Not Keep lines together

TOC 1: Generic + Font: Verdana, 12 pt, Bold, No Proofing, Space before 18 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together, Tabs: 0 cm, 14.64 cm right flush ...

TOC 2: TOC 1 + Font: 10 pt, Not Bold, Proof Text, Space before 3 pt after 0 pt, Not Keep with next, Keep lines together, Tabs:Not at 0 cm, 14.64 cm

TOC 3: TOC 2 + Indent: Left 0.74 cm

TOC 4: TOC 3 + Indent: Left 1.48 cm, Space after 3 pt

TOC 5: TOC 2 + Space after 3 pt

TOC 6: TOC 5 +

TOC 7: TOC 5 +

TOC 8: TOC 5 +

Version: Subtitle + Font: 14 pt, Not Bold, Space before 6 pt after 3 pt


Body Text: Generic + Font: Arial, Hyphenate, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0 cm

Body Text C: Generic + Font: Arial, Centered, Hyphenate

Body Text R: Generic + Font: Arial, Flush Right, Hyphenate

Code: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Courier New, 10 pt, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Raised 1 pt, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Copyright: Generic + Font: Arial, 7 pt, Centered, Space before 0 pt after 0 pt, Hyphenate

Default Paragraph Font: The font of the underlying paragraph style + English (Australia)

Emphasis: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Bold, Not Italic, Underline color: Auto, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

FollowedHyperlink: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Not Italic, Underline, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Gray-50%, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Footer: Header +

Generic: Font: Times New Roman, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Don't hyphenate

Glossary: Default Paragraph Font + Underline color: Auto, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Header: Generic + Font: Arial, Tabs: 7.3 cm centered, 14.64 cm right flush

Heading 1: Heading 4 + Font: 15 pt, Space before 18 pt after 9 pt, Level 1, Numbered, Tabs: 0 cm

Heading 1 No TOC: Generic + Font: Verdana, 15 pt, Bold, Space before 18 pt after 9 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together

Heading 2: Heading 4 + Font: 12 pt, Space before 18 pt, Level 2

Heading 2 No TOC: Generic + Font: Verdana, 12 pt, Bold, Space before 18 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together

Heading 3: Heading 4 + Space before 18 pt, Level 3

Heading 4: Generic + Font: Verdana, Bold, Space before 6 pt, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together, Level 4

Heading 5: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt after 6 pt, Level 5

Heading 6: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt after 6 pt, Level 6

Heading 7: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt after 6 pt, Level 7

Heading 8: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt after 6 pt, Level 8

Heading 9: Heading 4 + Space before 3 pt after 6 pt, Level 9

Heading-table-centred: Heading-table-left + Centered

Heading-table-left: Generic + Font: Arial Narrow, 13 pt, Bold, Hyphenate

Heading-table-right: Heading-table-left + Flush Right

Hyperlink: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Not Italic, Underline, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Blue, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Index 1: Generic + Font: Arial, Hyphenate

Index 2: Generic + Font: Arial, Indent: Left 0.74 cm First 0.74 cm, Hyphenate

Index 3: Generic + Font: Arial, Indent: Left 1.48 cm First 1.48 cm, Hyphenate

Input: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Tahoma, 9 pt, Bold, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

KeyPress: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Tahoma, 9 pt, Bold, Underline color: Auto, Not Small caps, All caps, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

List Bullet: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

List Number: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

List Number Outline: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Indent: Hanging 0.74 cm Flush left, Line spacing single, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers, Outline numbered, Tabs: 0.74 cm

Microline: Normal + Font: 1 pt, Font color: White

Normal: Font: Arial, 10 pt, English (Australia), Kern at 10 pt, Flush left, Line spacing single, Widow/orphan control, Keep lines together, Suppress line numbers

Output: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Verdana, 9 pt, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Page Number: Default Paragraph Font + Font: Arial, Bold, Underline color: Auto, No Proofing, Font color: Auto, No effect, Pattern: Clear

Subtitle: Title + Keep lines together

Terminal Screen: Generic + Font: Courier, 8 pt, No Proofing, Indent: Left 0.55 cm Right 0.55 cm, Space before 1 pt after 0 pt, Border: Top(Single solid line, Auto, 1 pt Line width), Bottom(Single solid line, Auto, 1 pt Line width), Left(Single solid line, Auto, 1 ...

TextBox: Generic + Font: Arial Narrow, Bold, Space before 0 pt after 0 pt, Hyphenate

TextBox C: TextBox + Centered

TextBox R: TextBox + Flush Right

Title: Generic + Font: Tahoma, 15 pt, Bold, Centered, Space before 0 pt after 0 pt, Not Keep lines together

TOC 1: Generic + Font: Verdana, 12 pt, Bold, No Proofing, Keep with next, Not Keep lines together, Tabs: 0 cm, 14.64 cm right flush ...

TOC 2: TOC 1 + Font: 10 pt, Not Bold, Proof Text, Indent: Left 0.74 cm, Space before 0 pt after 0 pt, Not Keep with next, Keep lines together, Tabs:Not at 0 cm, 14.64 cm

TOC 3: TOC 2 + Indent: Left 1.48 cm

TOC 4: TOC 3 + Space before 3 pt after 3 pt

TOC 5: TOC 2 + Indent: Left 0 cm, Space before 3 pt after 3 pt

TOC 6: TOC 5 +

TOC 7: TOC 5 +

TOC 8: TOC 5 +

Version: Subtitle + Font: 10 pt, Not Bold, Space after 3 pt

Again, thanks to one and all for the terrific tips and information.